Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our big news....

Well a lot of people have been hearing the "rumor" that we are moving and a whole lot of reasons why so here we are to set the record straight. Yes we are moving. We will be moving to Jen's home town in Canada in July. This has not been an easy decision but Jen's health has not been the greatest and health care in the states is not too affordable. There are a few other reasons but all in all we think it's time. We are quite excited for the move but at the same time it is going to be real hard for us to leave. Please pray for us in this big move. Pray for finances and that Lamont can get his papers worked out, we will find jobs and an apartment when we get there. Thanks y'all!
Well we have finally started one of these. Lets see how well we do with keeping it up!!
Lamont and I are doing well. We cannot believe we have been married for amost one year already. How time flies!! Our first year has been filled with many ups and downs but when it all comes down to it we love being married and have grown immensely individually and together. Here are a few pics of our wedding and us.