Saturday, August 16, 2008

Getting our feet on the ground...

Well we've been in Canada for over a month already and time flies. We have really been enjoying our time seeing family and old friends.

I have gotten a job working as a Childcare Assistant with a daycare in Lindenwoods. I was able to get the job quick and started days after my interview. I've now completed one full week and I have only one word to describe it all EXHAUSTION. I enjoy the job but am not used to being on my feet chasing around kids all day. It's a challenge but completely different from what I was doing and I like it. The great thing with the job is that they will pay for me to go to school to get my Childhood Educator degree with lots of future possibilities. The staff is great and it's nice to have evening and weekends free!

Lamont is enjoying Canda a lot. He has been enjoying his "extended" vacation. He has been able to get some side jobs to make a little extra cash and has been enjoying hanging out with my dad a lot. We are still waiting for his papers but that is expected. Hopefully in the next two months but we will see!! Here are a few more pics of our Canadian adventure.