Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Little Update

Just a little update in our whole process. We are now only one month away from our big move and we cannot believe it! We are excited and nervous and realizing how we need to get everything together!!! We only have a few more weeks of work left and are starting to pack up and selling lots of our things.

We still have not heard anything on Lamont's papers and are hoping that no news is good news!! It is not looking as the process will be completed by the time we go so now our hope is that they will let Lamont into Canada as a visitor until the process is completed. Unfortunately we will not know this until we go to the border the day we leave that puts a little bit of stress on us. We are now trying to prepare ourselves that we may have to be apart for a little while.

Please pray that Lamont's papers will come through and quickly. Please also pray for our finances as we are realizing how much of an exspense this process can be and are in need of a little financial miracle!

Thank you for all your prayers and support!